About us

At Tixomi, we’re a group of friends who believe in attaining financial freedom without being tied to a traditional 9-5 job. Our journey began at a Drake concert in downtown Nashville, Tennessee back in 2018. Realizing the lucrative potential of ticket reselling, we were hooked.

We ventured into reselling tickets for events in states where it was legal, quickly discovering the profitability of buying and selling tickets online. Motivated by our success, we aspired to assist others in achieving the same level of financial freedom.

In 2022, Tixomi was born—a website dedicated to teaching people how to become successful ticket resellers. Drawing from our extensive market experience, we’ve developed strategies for identifying profitable events, securing tickets at the optimal time and price, and maximizing profits upon resale.

Our website offers comprehensive courses and tutorials that equip you with all the necessary knowledge to thrive as a ticket reseller. We empower you with technology-driven tools for monitoring and analyzing ticket prices, along with inventory management techniques to maximize sales.

Tixomi is more than just a website; it’s a community of like-minded individuals passionate about financial freedom. We foster a collaborative environment where we learn from one another and strive for collective success. Continuously evolving, we regularly update our content to keep you ahead of the game.

Our ultimate aim is to provide you with the knowledge and tools essential for achieving financial freedom through ticket reselling. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reseller seeking growth, we’re here to support you.

Join Tixomi today and seize control of your financial future!

Tixomi Unity Group

Benjamin Nelson

Founder and Managing Director

Left Financial studies for making money and having fun. Got into ticket reselling and never looked back. Now as Head of this team, I bring the same passion and hustle to everything I do – without ever wearing a suit. Who needs a degree when you can make things happen and live life on your own terms? Let’s go make some damn money, baby!

Ryder Steele

Market Research Associate

I’m the go-to guy when it comes to math, data, and making bank. My skills in analyzing market trends and predicting the future have helped our team earn some serious cash. They know I’m the secret weapon they can’t afford to lose. Sure, cooking an omelette may not be my forte, but when it comes to turning numbers into dollars, I’m the man for the job.

Grace Foster

Support Specialist

I’m a Support Specialist who’s passionate about ticket reselling. I see it as a fantastic opportunity to earn more than my salary. With my expertise in the field, I’m able to buy and sell tickets with precision, while my problem-solving and communication skills make me a valuable asset to the team. I’m always eager to learn and exceed expectations in everything I do.

Andrea Ricci

Full-Stack Developer and Data Analyst

I am an Italian web developer working with a talented team on our company’s website. Together, we create a website that reflects our company’s values and mission. Collaborating with my colleagues inspires me to push the boundaries of what is possible in web development. I am proud to be a part of this project and excited to continue working together.

Charlotte Adams

Social Media Manager

As a Social Media Manager, I am responsible for creating and executing social media strategies that engage with our audience. I enjoy crafting compelling content that resonates with our followers, and I am always looking for ways to improve our online presence. Through my expertise in analytics and social media trends, I am able to optimize our campaigns to drive results.

Amir Farahani Pour

Farsi Marketing Specialist

I take pride in providing exceptional support to our Farsi-speaking customers and promoting our website in Persian. With my expertise in customer support and marketing skills, I always strive to exceed expectations and achieve great results. I’m grateful to be a part of this amazing team and look forward to continuing to grow in my role!

قوانین عضویت در تیکسومی

پذیرش قوانین

با ورود و استفاده از این وب‌سایت (وبگاه)، شما به صورت کامل و بدون قید و شرط با تمامی مفاد و قوانین این وب‌سایت موافقت می‌کنید. در صورت عدم تایید این قوانین، خواهشمند است از استفاده از این سایت خودداری کنید.

محتوا و مالکیت

تمام محتوای این وب‌سایت تحت حفاظت قوانین مالکیت معنوی قرار دارد. شما می‌پذیرید که محتوای این سایت را فقط برای مصارف شخصی و غیرتجاری مشاهده و استفاده کنید. هرگونه استفاده تجاری یا انتقال محتوا بدون مجوز کتبی مالک این وب‌سایت ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد.

حریم خصوصی

ما به اصول حریم خصوصی شما با کمال احترام پایبندیم و به هیچ شرایطی از اطلاعات شما برای منافع شخصی یا منافع شخصیت‌ها، ارگان‌ها یا دولتی استفاده نخواهیم کرد. اطلاعات شما تحت هیچ شرایطی تحت درخواست هیچ دولتی نیز قرار نخواهد گرفت و امنیت و حریم خصوصی شما برای ما بسیار مهم است.

حفظ امنیت

ما از تدابیر امنیتی مناسب برای حفظ اطلاعات شما استفاده می‌کنیم و تا حد ممکن از دسترسی غیرمجاز به اطلاعات جلوگیری می‌کنیم.

تغییرات در قوانین

ما ممکن است به تشخیص خود قوانین را تغییر دهیم. شما موظف به بازبینی دوره‌ای قوانین و مقررات این وب‌سایت هستید و به تغییرات جدید پایبند باشید.